January 2025
Did you know about Ceylon?
We hope you had a good break over Christmas and new year. One of the positives in doing our podcasts is learning about aspects of Australian military history that are little known. In our 77th podcast and first for 2025, Canberra based historian Meg Adams joins us to talk about the contributions and support of Australian and allied troops in Ceylon by Australian units which included The Australian Comforts Fund, Australian Red Cross Society, Voluntary Aids Detachments and the Young Women's Christian Association. Meg tells us about some of the volunteers and aid workers including some remarkable women.
Meg has recently contributed to a book titled 'In the fight- Australians and the war in Burma 1942-1945'. Her chapter is titled 'Proud of their part- Volunteers in Ceylon'. The book is edited by Andrew Kilsby and Daryl Moran and is published by Big Sky Publishing. I have bought the book and when read (I am a slow reader), I hope to chat with Andrew and Daryl for a podcast.
December 2024
Seasons Greetings
Thanks for listening to our podcasts this year. We finished up the year by chatting with Professor Peter Stanley, on of Australia's leading military historians. Peter talked to us about his career and his many books. The good news is that he is still writing, and we look forward to some new books in 2025. Looking back over our podcasts this year, we covered a lot of subjects. From learning about the National Archives of Australia WWII digitisation project to the use of bikes by the ANZAC's in WWI. Our first podcast for 2025 will feature a talk about Australian units in Ceylon in WWII.
If you are thinking about accessing your relatives service records, check out the different research packages we have on offer.
Wherever you are in the world, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
September 2024
Podcast- 1st AIF Cycling battalions
September marks our 75th podcast. One of the things I enjoy about doing these podcasts is learning new things about our military history.
In our latest podcast we speak with Ally Roche from the Australian War Memorial (AWM). Ally is a keen cyclist and she talks about the cycling battalions of the 1st AIF. Whoever knew we had formation and units such as cycling battalions. They never saw service again after WWI.
Ally explains that the standard issue Army bicycle during the First World War was the BSA, made by the Birmingham Smalls Arms Company, a major British arms and ammunition manufacturer since the Crimean War, and a builder of bicycles since the early 1880s. Unfortunately although thousands of these bikes were issued to Australian soldiers, the AWM does not have one. You can find more about the cycling battalions through Ally's article for the AWM, Two wheels to the Front Line. The Virtual War Memorial Australia has more photos of the units and personnel.
The 11th of November is approaching. If you are thinking about accessing your relatives service records, check out the different research packages we have on offer,
August 2024
Anzac- The Greek Chapter
Our latest podcast is about a new documentary titled ‘Anzac- The Greek Chapter’ which has is premiere in October this year. Jim Claven, Secretary of the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee joins us to tell us about the new film which features interviews with veterans from the 1941 Greek campaign. You can find out more about the documentary and its screenings by clicking on the photo on the left.
Next month, our podcast is about a specialised Australian military unit from WW1 that never saw service again.
July 2024
We have launched our our new website which includes our new family military history research services. Checkout our research services page for more details. Our June podcast was about the 80th anniversary of the Cowra Breakout, the largest POW escape in Australia in WWII. Have a listen on our podcast page. July also saw the passing of an Australian WWII Coast Watcher, Jim Burrowes, OAM. I had the privilege of interviewing him for our 37th and 38th podcast. RIP Jim.